2024 |
June |
Jun 15 |
PhD Prize Winners Announced
Jun 10 |
Public Announcement of the Division and Commission Election Results
Jun 7 |
Accepted Individual and Junior Members Announced
May |
May 31 |
GA 2024 Payment Deadline: Early & Normal Registration
GA 2024 Deadline for Normal Registration
May 31 |
Communication to the SOC of the Final Selection of Symposia
May 31 |
Applicants will be Notified by the IAU General Secretary of the Outcome of the Selection for the Gruber Fellowship and Announcement is Posted
May 20 |
The General Secretary forwards list of proposed Membership Committee Members for the next triennium to the National Members and invites additional nominations from them
May 20 |
The General Secretary forwards list of proposed Finance Committee Members for the next triennium to the National Members and invites additional nominations from them
May 15 |
Announcement of Recipients of the Gruber Foundation Cosmology Prize
May 15 |
DEADLINE for the Membership Committee to submit a list of at least 10 Individual Members of the Union who accept to serve on the Committee for the next triennium if elected, including a nominee for Chair
May 15 |
DEADLINE for the Finance Committee to submit a list of at least 10 Individual Members of the Union who accept to serve on the Committee for the next triennium if elected, including a nominee for Chair
May 15 |
DEADLINE to receive potential nominations of members for the Special Nominating Committee (SNC) for the following triennium from Division Presidents and EC Members
May 10 |
End of Division SC Elections
May 10 |
End of Commission OC Elections
May 8 |
Call for Letters of Intent (LOI) for Symposia 2026
May 1 |
Program of Symposia, Focus Meetings and Division Days Finalized and Announced
May 1 |
Communication by the GS of the complete GA Business Agenda to the National Members
April |
Apr 30 |
Notification of the Adoption of any Proposed Modifications to the Budget Distributed to the National Members
Apr 29 |
GA 2024 Grants Outcomes to Authors
(might suffer some delays)
Apr 15 |
Deadline for the Finance Committee to Provide the IAU General Secretary with the Annual Report on the Accounts