Administrative Dates & Deadlines
Please note that in case of a deadline on a particular calendar date, the time of the deadline is 11:59 PM clock time in the IAU office in Paris, France on that given date. In European winter, Paris clock time is UTC + 1 hour. In European summer, Paris clock time is UTC + 2 hours.
2008 |
November |
Nov 1 |
Opening of registration web site for IAU XXVII GA in Rio de Janeiro, August 3-14, 2009
September |
Sep 29 - Oct 2 |
400 Years of Astronomical Telescopes - A Review of History, Science and Technology, International Conference
Noordwijk Netherlands |
Sep 15 |
Due date for Letters-of-Intent proposing IAU Symposia in 2010
July |
Jul 1 |
Due date for contributions for Transaction of the IAU, Volume XXVIIA, Reports on Astronomy 2006-2009, by IAU Division Presidents, Commission Presidents, and chairpersons of Working Groups and Program Groups
May |
May 28 - May 30 |
IAU 84th EC Meeting
Oslo Norway |
May 25 |
Deadline for the IAU Secretariat to send National Members the list of candidates for Individual Membership
May 1 |
Due date for contributions to IB 102
January |
Jan 29 - Jan 31 |
Officers' meeting
Paris France |
2007 |
October |
Oct 8 - Oct 12 |
CAP 2007 |
Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007
Athens Greece |
June |
Jun 11 - Jun 15 |
Meteoroids 2007, An international conference on solar system minor bodies
CosmoCaixa, Barcelona Spain |
May |
May 15 - May 17 |
Executive Committee Meeting EC83
Cape Town South Africa |
January |
Jan 30 - Feb 1 |
Officers' Meeting
Paris France |
2006 |
November |
Nov 16 - Nov 18 |
Workshop on Mutual events of the Uranian satellites in 2007-2008 and further observations
Paris France |
October |
Oct 9 - Oct 13 |
At the Edge of the Universe: Latest results from the deepest astronomical surveys
Sintra Portugal |
August |
Aug 25 |
Executive Committee Meeting 82
Prague Czech Republic |
Aug 24 |
Second Session and GA Closing Ceremony
Prague Czech Republic |
Aug 23 |
09:00 - 12:30: Executive Committee Meeting 81 (part 4)
Prague Czech Republic |
Aug 22 |
ID4 |
Reinhard Genzel: "The power of new experimental tachniques in astronomy: Zooming in on the black hole in the Center of the Milky Way"
Prague Czech Republic |
Aug 21 |
ID3 |
Shuang Nan Zhang: "Similar phenomena at different scales: Black Holes, Sun, Supernovae, Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters"
Prague Czech Republic |
Aug 17 |
ID2 |
Alan Title: "The Magnetic Field and its Effects on the Solar Atmosphere as Observed"
Prague Czech Republic |
Showing 521 to 540 of 743