Gennadiy I. Pinigin
On August 26, 2020, Prof. Gennady Ivanovich Pinigin, the director of the Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory from 1986 to 2015, passed away.
Gennady Pinigin was born on May 19, 1943 in the village of Akutykha, Altai Territory of USSR.
Gennady Pinigin began his work as a graduate student at the Pulkovo Main Astronomical Observatory in 1965 and devoted his entire life to serving the science of astronomy. In 1973 he defended his PhD work, in 1992 he defended his doctoral dissertation "Determination of right ascension and declination stars by means of an automatic meridian instrument of horizontal construction", in 1997 he was awarded the academic title of professor.
G. Pinigin was one of the leading modern specialists in the field of meridian astronomy and astronomical instrumentation in Ukraine. Since 1986, Gennady Ivanovich headed the Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory. Under his leadership, the Observatory grew into an independent scientific institution, which in accordance with the modern level of science significantly updated and expanded the scope of its research, successfully collaborating with observatories in Russia, France, China, Turkey and others.
Under the leadership of Gennady Pinigin at the Mykolaiv observatory the modern school on astronomical instrument making was developed. He was distinguished by a vision of new scientific fields, the ability and energy to organize the work of scientific teams to solve important astronomical programs.
Thanks to the efforts and initiative of G. Pinigin in 2007, the Mykolaiv Observatory was included in the Tentative List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites from Ukraine (№ 5116), and in January 2008, into the “Astronomical Observatories of Ukraine” serial object (№ 5267) of this list.
G.I. Pinigin conducted extensive pedagogical work at the higher educational institutions in Mykolaiv and St. Petersburg. He supervised the work of seven PhD students. Gennady Ivanovich was the author of more than 300 scientific publications and the editor-in-chief of practically all printed editions of the Mykolaiv observatory.
G.I. Pinigin was a member of the International Astronomical Union, a member of the European and Eurasian Astronomical Society, a member of the Council of the Ukrainian Astronomical Association and a member of the Scientific and Specialized Scientific Councils. He was awarded the State Order "For Merits of the III degree".
The bright memory of the astronomer will forever remain in the hearts of the staff of the Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory and will shine in the sky with the light of the Minor Planet № 7976 «PINIGIN».