IAU Division D (High energy phenomena and fundamental physics) Newsletter - November 2022

  • Date sent: 7 November 2022, 17:19
  • From: Nanda Rea <no-reply@iau.org>
  • To: Division D High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics (2642 recipients)
  • Reply-To: rea@ice.csic.es
  • Subject: IAU Division D (High energy phenomena and fundamental physics) Newsletter - November 2022

***IAU Division D Newsletter, November  2022***




* IAU Upcoming Activities

* IAU Membership Application

* Upcoming Conferences, Meetings, Workshops




* IAU Upcoming Activities


-  Upcoming Meetings


 o   Meeting formats

While in-person General Assemblies are critical to foster collaborations and exchanges, the hybrid General Assembly in Busan (summarized at https://www.iau.org/news/announcements/detail/ann22034/) demonstrated that a virtual component is also important for those who cannot or choose not to travel. Since the beginning of the pandemic, several virtual Symposia have been successfully carried out. However, we’re all still learning how to optimize a hybrid meeting, and we are beginning to consider what the future of IAU meetings might look like. A survey will be coming soon asking what you value about meetings; when it arrives, please take a few moments to let us know your thoughts.


  o   Symposia

With several Symposia postponed due to the pandemic, in 2023 we will have 12 Symposia around the world instead of the usual 9. Be sure to check them out at https://www.iau.org/science/meetings/future/symposia/.


  o   Regional Meetings

For the first time since the start of the pandemic, IAU Regional Meetings will resume in 2023. The Middle East and Africa Regional Meeting (MEARIM) will take place in February in Cairo, Egypt. The Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting (APRIM) will be in Koriyama, Japan in August, and the Latin America Regional Meeting (LARIM) will be in Montevideo, Uruguay in late 2023.  Look for further details at: https://www.iau.org/science/meetings/future/regional/.


  o   3rd Kavli-IAU Workshop on Global Coordination

The 3rd Kavli-IAU Workshop on Global Coordination is being planned for Fall 2023, with an emphasis on future facilities and synergies at far-IR to mm wavelengths. These workshops focus on specific large endeavors requiring international coordinated efforts. For reference, the second workshop held in February 2020 was on multi-messenger and transit astronomy: https://www.iau.org/news/announcements/detail/ann20027/.



-  For early career astronomers


o   Hands-on Workshops

The first Moore-IAU Hands-On Workshop (I-HOW) just concluded in Santiago, Chile. Its focus was on “VLTI High angular resolution Observations Workshop: Infrared Astronomy. This workshop is part of a new initiative to train scientists at early career levels, especially in developing countries, in accessing and analyzing archival data from different astronomical facilities. In 2023, we look forward to an I-HOW in Tehran, Iran on “Radio Astronomy Data Hands-On Workshop” and a joint IAU-COSPAR I-How in Potchefstroom, South Africa on “X-ray Vision of our Universe; A data-driven approach, X-ray astronomy  in February.


  o   International Schools for Young Astronomers

Also restarted are our long-running (for the past 55 years!) International Schools for Young Astronomers (ISYA), overseen by the Office for Young Astronomers (OYA): https://www.iau.org/training/school_for_young_astronomers/. These 3-week graduate-level schools include lectures and hands-on data analysis, often serving regions with less opportunity to be exposed to current astrophysics research.  There is an upcoming school in Puebla, Mexico in August 2023, with details to be announced soon.


  o   PhD Prize Applications

Since 2016, each of our 9 Divisions has awarded an annual PhD prize to recognize excellence in astrophysics. Starting this year, honorable mentions are also awarded.  Applications are due December 15: https://www.iau.org/news/announcements/detail/ann22037/.


-    For educators


 o   Shaw-IAU Workshop

The Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) is hosting its 4th annual Shaw-IAU Workshop virtually in November 2022 with a focus on “Leveraging the potential of astronomy in formal education” (https://www.astro4edu.org/shaw-iau/).


-    For the public


 o  NameExoWorlds 2022

The Office of Astronomy Outreach (OAO), celebrating its 10th anniversary, is hosting a new NameExoworlds competition, in which teams comprising the public, amateur astronomers, and  astronomers propose names for exoplanetary systems that will be observed with the James Webb Space Telescope: https://www.nameexoworlds.iau.org/2022edition.


-    For everybody


  o   Astronomy and Mental Health

Among the many activities of the Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) is a focus on mental health using astronomy. Check out their recent article on “Intersection Between Astronomy and Mental Health” in the Mental Health Matters magazine: https://www.astro4dev.org/mental-health-matters-magazine-intersection-between-astronomy-and-mental-health/.


o   Astronomy and Climate Change

As we all wrestle with climate change issues, one action astronomers can take is to help educate the public from the perspective of astronomical research on the evolution of planetary atmospheres. To that end, Commission C2 has just started a new Working Group on "Communicating Climate Change Through Astronomy".


  o   Dark and Quiet Skies

The new Centre for the Protection of Dark and Quiet Skies from Satellite Constellation Interference (CPS) continues its efforts to help mitigate the negative impact of satellite constellations on ground-based optical and radio astronomy. The CPS engages with the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) as well as with industry and others. Check out the four CPS hubs on https://cps.iau.org/ to see the activities and how you might become involved. The CPS will be participating in the "International workshop Light Pollution 2022" this month.





* IAU Membership Application



Applications are now being accepted for IAU membership until December 15.



Please encourage colleagues to apply for Individual or Junior Membership, as appropriate, and remind them that membership is free (dues are paid by the national adhering organizations). If people ask why they should join, tell them about our activities and remind them that the IAU’s mission is to promote and safeguard astronomy in all its aspects, including research, communication, education, and development, through international cooperation. Remember that besides our 9 Divisions, we have 38 Commissions and 46 Working Groups, including one on Equity and Inclusion, another on Women in Astronomy, and a new Pro-Am group. We also have Offices for Development, Outreach, Education, and Young Astronomers. Links for these and for our Code of Conduct and Strategic Plan are on the IAU homepage (https://www.iau.org/). We strive for a diverse and inclusive community.



* Upcoming Conferences, Meetings, Workshops


Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: the third scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray Observatory

November 7-10, 2022

Barcelona, Spain



Cosmic Rays 2 - the salt of the star formation recipe

November 8-10, 2022

Florence, Italy



Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop (GWPAW)

December 5-9, 2022

Melbourne, Australia (Hybrid)



IAU Symposia: The multi-messenger chakra of blazar jets

December 5-9, 2022

Kathmandu, Nepal



Magnetism and Accretion

January 16-19, 2023

Cape town, South Africa



Timescales in Astrophysics Conference

January 16-10, 2023

Abu Dhabi, UAE



Testing Gravity 2023

January 18-21, 2023

Vancouver, Canada



X-ray Vision of the Energetic Universe (X-VISION 2023), a joint IAU I-HOW and COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop

February 6-17, 2023

Potchefstroom, South Africa



Bologna-VLBI: Life begins at 40!

May 22-26,  2023

Bologna, Italy



The first Vasto accretion meeting

June 19-23, 2023

Vasto, Italy





If you wish to share with IAU Division D any information about matters that may be relevant to the activities of Div D Members, please send an e-mail to rea@ice.csic.es . This will appear in the next Newsletter, which will be sent out around December 1, 2022. Thank you in advance for your inputs, and best regards.


Dr. Nanda Rea, acting Scientific Secretary of IAU Division D Steering Committee

Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC, IEEC; Barcelona, Spain)

