IAU Division D (High energy phenomena and fundamental physics) Newsletter - June 2023

  • Date sent: 8 June 2023, 17:07
  • From: Nanda Rea <no-reply@iau.org>
  • To: Division D High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics (2756 recipients)
  • Reply-To: no-reply@iau.org
  • Subject: IAU Division D (High energy phenomena and fundamental physics) Newsletter - June 2023

***IAU Division D Newsletter, June  2023***



* IAU Shaw Prizes 2023

* IAU Gruber Fellowship Awards 2023

* Upcoming Conferences, Meetings, Workshops

* In memoriam



* IAU Shaw Prizes 2023

The Shaw Prize in Astronomy 2023 was awarded in equal shares to: Matthew Bailes, Director of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery, Duncan Lorimer, Professor and Interim Chair of Physics and Astronomy and Associate Dean for Research at Eberly College of Arts and Sciences at West Virginia University, USA and Maura McLaughlin, Eberly Family Distinguished Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, West Virginia University, USA, for the discovery of fast radio bursts (FRBs).


On behalf of the Division D we congratulate the award winners for their achievements!



* IAU Gruber Fellowships 2023

The Gruber Foundation Fellowships 2023 have been awarded to Mohit Bhardwaj from McGill Univesity, Marina Bianchin from the Federal University of Santa Maria, and Pooneh Nazari from Leiden University.

On behalf of the Division D we congratulate the award winners for their achievements!



* Upcoming Conferences, Meetings, Workshops

AGN winds on the Chesapeake

June 11-16, 2023

Tidewater Inn, Easton MD, USA


Towards LISA Catalogs

June 12-14, 2023

Campus Valrose, Nice, France


X-ray Universe 2023

June 12-16, 2023

Athens, Greece



Timing and Imaging of compact sources with SKA pathfinders and precursors

June 12-16, 2023

Kerastari, Greece


The first Vasto accretion meeting

June 19-23, 2023

Vasto, Italy


2023 Summer School for Astro-statistics

June 19-23, 2023

Heraklion, Greece


Astrophysical black Holes: a rapidly moving field

June 23-26, 2023

Hong Kong, China


The restless nature of AGN: 10 years later

June 26-30, 2023

Naples, Italy


International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology (ICGAC15)

July 3-7, 2023

Gyeongju, South Korea


Second MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves: A new window to the Universe July 3-8, 2023 Nice, France https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/29050/

Gravitational Wave Populations: what’s next?
July 10-14, 2023
Milan, Italy https://sites.google.com/unimib.it/gwpopnext

COST CA18108 Fourth Annual Meeting: Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach

July 11-14, 2023

Rijeka, Croatia https://indico.capa.unizar.es/event/31/


Massive Binaries 2023

July 17-21, 2023

Leuven, Belgium



European Astronomical Society 2023 Annual Meeting

Special Session: Circumbinary disks across all binary systems

July 12, 2023

Krakov, Poland



European Astronomical Society 2023 Annual Meeting

Special Session: Black-Hole accretion disks 50 years on

July 14, 2023

Krakov, Poland



European Astronomical Society 2023 Annual Meeting

Symposium: Baryonic feedback, magnetic fields and cosmic rays in galaxy evolution

July 13-14, 2023

Krakov, Poland



15th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves

July 17-21, 2023

Fully online (with no fee, but registration required by July 14)



International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023)

July 26-August 3, 2023

Nagoya, Japan


High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy: a chandra workshop

August 1-3, 2023

Cambridge, USA



Astrophysics & Particle Physics Conference announcement: "Windows on the Universe"

August 6-12, 2023

ICISE, Quy Nhon, Central Vietnam 



Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting (APRIM 2023)

August 7-11, 2023, 

Koriyama, Japan (hybrid)



IAU Symposium 384: Planetary Nebulae: a Universal Toolbox in the Era of Precision Astrophysics
September 4-8, 2023
Cracow, Poland


5th International Workshop on AM CVn binaries

September 5-8, 2023

Armagh, Northern Ireland, UK



AGN on the beach - The many facets of fuelling and feedback in jetted AGN

September 10-15, 2023 

Tropea, Italy

XX International workshop on Neutrino Telescopes

October 23-27, 2023

Venezia, Italy


 HEPRO VIII: High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows VIlI

October 23-26, 2023

Paris, France



32nd Texas symposium on relativistic astrophysics

11-15, December, 2023

Shanghai, China



*In memoriam

We are sorry to learn of the passing of:

Dr. Héctor Vucetich from Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Dr. Stephen A. Drake from USRA/CRESST & GSFC



If you wish to share with IAU Division D any information about matters that may be relevant to the activities of Div D Members, please send an e-mail to rea@ice.csic.es . This will appear in the next Newsletter, which will be sent out around July  1, 2023. Thank you in advance for your inputs, and best regards.


Prof. Nanda Rea, acting Scientific Secretary of IAU Division D Steering Committee

Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC, IEEC; Barcelona, Spain)



Contact: rea@ice.csic.es