The Call for Proposals is now closed
The IAU Executive Committee Working Group (WG) on International Year of Light (IYL) is issuing a special call, on behalf of the IAU, for proposals for major IYL astronomy projects. A Cosmic Light cornerstone project is a highlighted astronomy-oriented activity of the IYL with global impact. The WG will help to promote such projects worldwide with publicity and proactive contact. Proposals may be for seed money support to develop either project prototypes or mature proposals for major funding for an astronomy cornerstone project. Proposals may also request official endorsement of a project of cornerstone scope, with or without an application for seed money support. Such projects must reach across cultural and language boundaries to enhance knowledge of and appreciation for the role of light in observation and measurement of atmospheric and cosmic phenomena and/or for the need for quality lighting and other protection of the beauty and content of natural light from the sky.
Development seed money of 10-15K€ each will be granted to up to three proposals for projects seeking cornerstone status. The proposal template and submission instructions are found at the IAU website, Proposals are due no later than 23:59 CEST on Friday, 13 June 2014.
Sze-leung Cheung
IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach
Tel: +81-(0)422-34-3896
Richard F. Green
University of Arizona
Steward Observatory
Tucson AZ 85721-0065 (USA)