NARIT-NAOJ/IAU OAO Astronomy Outreach Trainee Programme
The NARIT-NAOJ/IAU OAO Astronomy Outreach Trainee programme places a member of NARIT outreach staff in a year-long internship or fellowship at the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (IAU OAO). Trainees build skills while engaging in IAU OAO and NAOJ outreach and educational programming. All tasks and deliverables carried out during the training are assigned in alignment with both NAOJ/IAU OAO and NARIT visions and missions.
The programme is built to enhance relations between the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT), the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) and the IAU OAO in areas of public outreach and astronomy education.
Current Fellow

Matipon Tangmatitham
Matipon found his passion for astronomy outreach ever since he was a graduate student in theoretical astrophysics. He has since worked closely with the public outreach department of the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT) in establishing a foothold for astronomy outreach in the country. With it, he was able to earn many valuable direct experiences in many different aspects of astronomy outreach, astronomy education, and communicating science to the public.
Past Trainee

Pisit Nitiyanant
NARIT-NAOJ/IAU Astronomy Outreach Trainee
Focus of the training: Project manager and event organiser for Astronomy for Inclusion
Dec 2018-May 2019
Key project: First inclusive astronomy workshop in Thailand
Read more about the project here.