
Code Type Publication
IAU GA Newspapers IAU General Assembly 1979
Montréal METEORE
Montreal, Canda
14 Aug 1979
Electronic version
IAUS 089 IAU Symposia Refractional Influences in Astrometry and Geodesy
Uppsala, Sweden, August 1-5, 1978
Eds. E. Tengström & G. Teleki
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-1037-6 (HB), 90-277-1038-4 (PB)
1 Jan 1979
Electronic version
IAUS 084 IAU Symposia The Large-Scale Characteristics of the Galaxy
College Park, MD, USA, June 12-17, 1978
Ed. W.B. Burton
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-1029-5 (HB), 90-277-1030-9 (PB)
1 Jan 1979
Electronic version
IAUS 083 IAU Symposia Mass-Loss and Evolution of O-type Stars
Vancouver Island, Canada, June 5-9, 1978
Eds. P.S. Conti & C.H. de Loore
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-0988-2 (HB), 90-277-0989-0 (PB)
1 Jan 1979
Electronic version
IAUS 082 IAU Symposia Time and the Earth's Rotation
San Fernando, Spain, May 8-12, 1978
Eds. D.D. McCarthy & J.D.H. Pilkington
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-0892-4 (HB), 90-277-0893-2 (PB)
1 Jan 1979
Electronic version
IAUS 081 IAU Symposia Dynamics of the Solar System
Tokyo, Japan, May 23-26, 1978
Ed. R.L. Duncombe
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-0976-9 (HB), 90-277-0977-7 (PB)
1 Jan 1979
Electronic version
IAUC 054 IAU Colloquia Scientific Research with the Space Telescope
Princeton, NJ, USA, August 8-11, 1979
Eds. M.S. Longair & J.W. Warner
University of Sydney
1 Jan 1979
IAUC 050 IAU Colloquia High Angular Resolution Stellar Interferometry
College Park, MD, USA, August 30 - September 1, 1978
Eds. J. Davis & W.J. Tango
American Physical Society
1 Jan 1979
Electronic version
IAUC 049 IAU Colloquia Image Formation from Coherence Functions in Astronomy
Groningen, Netherlands, August 10-12, 1978
Ed. C. van Schooneveld
Association of Univ. for Research in Astronomy
ISBN 90-277-0987-4
1 Jan 1979
Electronic version
IAUC 048 IAU Colloquia Modern Astrometry
Vienna, Austria, September 11-14, 1978
Eds. F.V. Prochazka & R.H. Tucker
Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
1 Jan 1979
IAUC 047 IAU Colloquia Spectral Classification of the Future
Ricerche Astronomiche
Vatican City State, July 11-15, 1978
Eds. M.F. McCarthy, S.J., A.G.D. Philip & G.V. Coyne, S.J.
Her Majesty's Stationery Office
1 Jan 1979
Electronic version
IAUC 046 IAU Colloquia Changing Trends in Variable Star Research
Hamilton, New Zealand, November 27 - December 1, 1978
Eds. F.M. Bateson, J. Smak & I.H. Urch
L'Observatoire Royal de Belgique
1 Jan 1979
IAUC 044 IAU Colloquia Physics of Solar Prominences
Oslo, Norway, August 14-18, 1978
Eds. E. Jensen, P. Maltby & F.Q. Orrall
Verlag des Bundesamts fur Kartographie und Geodasi
ISBN 82-990556-0-1
1 Jan 1979
IAU Regional Meetings LARIM 1978
Departamento de Astronomia
Santiago de Chile, Chile, January 16-21, 1978
Eds. A. Gutierrez-Moreno & H. Moreno
Obs. Astr. Nacional, Cerro Calan
1 Jan 1979
IAU Regional Meetings Asian-South Pacific Regional Meeting in Astronomy
Wellington, New Zealand, December 5-8, 1978
Eds. W. Davidson & B.M. Lewis
New Zealand Journal of Science
ISSN 0028-8365
1 Jan 1979
IAU Transactions A Transactions of the IAU, Vol. XVII A, Parts 1-3
Reports on Astronomy 1975-1978
Ed. E.A. Müller
Association of Univ. for Research in Astronomy
ISBN Part 1: 90-277-1005-8 Part 2: 90-277-1006-6; Part 3: 90-277-1007-4
1 Jan 1979
Electronic version Electronic version part 2 Electronic version part 3
IAUS 080 IAU Symposia The HR Diagram
Washington, DC, USA, November 2-5, 1977
Eds. A.G. Davis Philip & D.S. Hayes
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-0905-X (HB), 90-277-0906-8 (PB)
1 Jan 1978
Electronic version
IAUS 079 IAU Symposia The Large Scale Structure of the Universe
Tallinn, Estonia, USSR, September 12-16, 1977
Eds. M.S. Longair & J. Einasto
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-0895-9 (HB), 90-277-0896-7 (PB)
1 Jan 1978
Electronic version
IAUS 078 IAU Symposia Nutation and the Earth's Rotation
Kiev, Ukraine, USSR, May 23-28, 1977
Eds. E.P. Fedorov, M.L. Smith & P.L. Bender
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-1113-5 (HB), 90-277-1114-3 (PB)
1 Jan 1978
Electronic version
IAUS 077 IAU Symposia Structure and Properties of Nearby Galaxies
Bad Münsteriefel, F.R. Germany, August 1977
Eds. E.M. Berkhuijsen & R. Wielebinski
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-0874-6 (HB), 90-277-0875-4 (PB)
1 Jan 1978
Electronic version
IAUS 076 IAU Symposia Planetary Nebulae
Ithaca, NY, USA, June 6-10, 1977
Ed. Y. Terzian
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-0872-X (HB), 90-277-0873-8 (PB)
1 Jan 1978
Electronic version
IAUC 052 IAU Colloquia Protostars and Planets: Studies of Star Formation and the Origin of the Solar System
Tucson, AZ, USA, January 3-7, 1978
Ed. T. Gehrels
American Astronomical Society
ISBN 0-8165-0674-4 (HB), 0-8165-0657-4 (PB)
1 Jan 1978
IAUC 043 IAU Colloquia 5th Conference on UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas
London, UK, July 4-7, 1978
New Zealand Journal of Science
1 Jan 1978
Electronic version
IAUC 041 IAU Colloquia Dynamics of Planets and Satellites and Theories of their Motion
Cambridge, UK, August 17-19, 1976
Ed. V.G. Szebehely
Association of Univ. for Research in Astronomy
ISBN 90-277-0869-X
1 Jan 1978
Electronic version
IAUS 075 IAU Symposia Star Formation
Genève, Switzerland, September 6-10, 1976
Eds. T. de Jong & A. Maeder
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-0796-0 (HB), 90-277-0797-9 (PB)
1 Jan 1977
Electronic version
IAUS 074 IAU Symposia Radio Astronomy and Cosmology
Cambridge, UK, August 16-20, 1976
Ed. D.L. Jauncey
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-0838-X (HB), 90-277-0839-8 (PB)
1 Jan 1977
Electronic version
IAUC 045 IAU Colloquia Chemical and Dynamical Evolution of our Galaxy
Torun, Poland, September 7-9, 1977
Eds. E. Basinsky-Grzesik & M. Mayor
ESA Publications Division
1 Jan 1977
Electronic version
IAUC 042 IAU Colloquia The Interaction of Variable Stars with their Environment
Bamberg, F.R. Germany, September 6-9, 1977
Eds. R. Kippenhahn, J. Rahe & W. Strohmeier
Veröff. Der Remeis-Sterwarte
1 Jan 1977
Electronic version
IAUC 039 IAU Colloquia Comets, Asteroids, Metorites: Interrelations, Evolution and Origins
Lyon, France, August 17-20, 1976
Ed. A.H. Delsemme
Lancaster Press
1 Jan 1977
Electronic version
IAUC 038 IAU Colloquia Problems of Stellar Convection
Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 71
Nice, France, August 16-20, 1976
Eds. E.A. Spiegel & J.P. Zahn
ISBN 3-540-085327
1 Jan 1977
Electronic version
IAUC 037 IAU Colloquia L'Evolution des Galaxies et ses Implications Cosmologiques
Décalage vers le Rouge et Expansion de l'Univers
Paris, France, September 6-7, 1976
Eds. C. Balkowski & B.E. Westerlund
Nicola Zanichelli Editore
ISBN 2-222-02022-0
1 Jan 1977
Electronic version
IAUC 036 IAU Colloquia The Energy Balance and Hydrodynamics of the Solar Chromosphere and Corona
Nice, France, September 6-10, 1976
Eds. R.-M. Bonnet & Ph. Delache
G. de Bussac
1 Jan 1977
IAUC 035 IAU Colloquia Compilation, Critical Evaluation and Distribution of Stellar Data
Strasbourg, France, August 19-21, 1976
Eds. C. Jaschek & G.A. Wilkins
Association of Univ. for Research in Astronomy
ISBN 90-277-0792-8
1 Jan 1977
Electronic version
IAUC 033 IAU Colloquia Observational Parameters and Dynamical Evolution of Multiple Stars
Oaxtepec, Mexico, October 13-17, 1975
Eds. O.G. Franz & P. Pishmish
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: UNAM
1 Jan 1977
Electronic version
IAU Highlights XVIth General Assembly - Highlights of Astronomy Vol. 4 (Parts I + II)
As presented at the XVIth General Assembly of the IAU
Grenoble, France, August 24-September 2, 1976
Ed. E.A. Müller
Association of Univ. for Research in Astronomy
ISBN Part 1: 90-277-0849-5, Part II: 90-277-0850-9
1 Jan 1977
Electronic version Electronic version 2
IAU Transactions B XVIth General Assembly - Transactions of the IAU Vol. XVI B
Proceedings of the 16th General Assembly
Grenoble, France, August 24 - September 21, 1976
Eds. E. Müller & A. Jappel
Association of Univ. for Research in Astronomy
ISBN 90-277-0836-3
1 Jan 1977
Electronic version
IAU GA Newspapers IAU General Assembly 1976
La Gazette d'Uranie
Grenoble, France
25 Aug 1976
Electronic version
IAUS 073 IAU Symposia Structure and Evolution of Close Binary Systems
Cambridge, UK, July 28 - August 1, 1975
Eds. P. Eggleton, S. Mitton & J. Whelan
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-0682-4 (HB), 90-277-0683-2 (PB)
1 Jan 1976
Electronic version
IAUS 072 IAU Symposia Abundance Effects in Classification
Lausanne-Dorigny, Switzerland, July 8-11, 1975
Ed. B. Hauck & P.C. Keenan
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-0674-3 (HB), 90-277-0675-1 (PB)
1 Jan 1976
Electronic version
IAUS 071 IAU Symposia Basic Mechanisms of Solar Activity
Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 25-29, 1975
Eds. V. Bumba & J. Kleczek
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-277-0680-8 (HB), 90-277-0681-6 (PB)
1 Jan 1976
Electronic version
IAUS 070 IAU Symposia Be and Shell Stars
Bass River, MA, USA, September 15-18, 1975
Ed. A. Slettebak
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-227-0699-9 (HB), 90-277-0700-6 (PB)
1 Jan 1976
Electronic version
IAUC 032 IAU Colloquia Physics of Ap Stars
Wien, Austria, September 8-11, 1975
Eds. W.W. Weiss, H. Jenkner & H.J. Wood
Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
1 Jan 1976
IAUC 031 IAU Colloquia Interplanetary Dust and Zodiacal Light
Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 48
Heidelberg, F.R. Germany, June 10-13, 1975
Eds. H. Elsässer & H. Fechtig
ISBN 3-540-07615-8
1 Jan 1976
Electronic version
IAUC 029 IAU Colloquia Multiple Periodic Variable Stars
Budapest, Hungary, September 1-15, 1975
Ed. W.S. Fitch
Association of Univ. for Research in Astronomy
ISBN 90-277-0766-9
1 Jan 1976
Electronic version
IAUC 028 IAU Colloquia Planetary Satellites
Ithaca, NY, USA, August 18-21, 1974
Ed. J.A. Burns
American Astronomical Society
1 Jan 1976
IAUC 026 IAU Colloquia On Reference Coordinate Systems for Earth Dynamics
Torun, Poland, August 26-31, 1974
Eds. B. Kolaczek & G. Weiffenbach
Annales d'Astrophysiques
1 Jan 1976
IAUC 025 IAU Colloquia The Study of Comets
Greenbelt, MD, USA, October 28 - November 1, 1974
Eds. B.D. Donn, M. Mumma, W. Jackson, M. A'Hearn & R. Harrington
University of Sydney
1 Jan 1976
Electronic version Electronic version 2
IAU Transactions A Transactions of the IAU, Vol. XVI A, Parts 1-3
Reports on Astronomy 1972-1975
Ed. G. Contopoulos
Association of Univ. for Research in Astronomy
ISBN Part 1: 90-277-0739-1 Part 2: 90-277-0740-5; Part 3: 90-277-0741-3
1 Jan 1976
Electronic version Electronic version part 2 Electronic version part 3
IAUS 069 IAU Symposia Dynamics of Stellar Systems
Besançon, France, September 9-13, 1974
Ed. A. Hayli
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-227-0589-5 (HB), 90-277-0590-9 (PB)
1 Jan 1975
Electronic version
IAUS 068 IAU Symposia Solar Gamma-, X-, and EUV Radiation
Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 11-14, 1974
Ed. S.R. Kane
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht
ISBN 90-227-0576-3 (HB), 90-277-0577-1 (PB)
1 Jan 1975
Electronic version


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