Letters of Intent received in 2016

LoI 2018-1941
'Energetic particles in the heliosphere: acceleration, transport and space weather effects'

Date: 25 August 2018 to 26 August 2018
Category: Focus meetings (GA)
Location: Vienna, Austria
Contact: Olga E. Malandraki (omaland@astro.noa.gr)
Coordinating division: Division E Sun and Heliosphere
Other divisions: Division F Planetary Systems and Astrobiology
Division G Stars and Stellar Physics
Division H Interstellar Matter and Local Universe
Co-Chairs of SOC: Olga V. Khabarova (Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation RAS (IZMIRAN)\)
Gary P. Zank (Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research (CSPAR), University of Alabama in Huntsville)
Gang Li (Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research (CSPAR), University of Alabama in Huntsville)
Co-Chairs of LOC: ()



We believe that current tendencies in space physics allow distinguishing one problem that deserves to be discussed at the focus meeting entitled: 'Energetic particles in the heliosphere: acceleration, transport and space weather effects'.



Members of the SOC will organize sessions with specific sessions during this Focus Meeting.

A list of topics to be addressed at the Meeting is as follows:

- Fundamental processes and particle energization in the solar corona and inner heliosphere

- Solar energetic particle (SEP) events and their effects in space environments: observations, forecasting and models

- The role of CME-CME interactions in enhanced SEP production

- Multipoint observations of SEPs and cosmic-ray short-term variations: coupling with interplanetary parameters

- The role of magnetized turbulence and structures in particle energization

- The role of magnetic connections in solar energetic particle studies

- Magnetic structures in the solar wind and particle acceleration.

- Magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration related to current sheets from the corona to the outer heliosphere

- Energetic particles and their impact on magnetospheres, ionospheres and atmospheres.

-Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe +: new windows to SEP studies in the inner heliosphere"

- Energetic particles and space exploration