Letters of Intent received in 2016

LoI 2018-1960
A radius-time journey: from exoplanet atmosphere to planet formation

Date: 21 August 2018 to 22 August 2018
Category: Focus meetings (GA)
Location: Vienna, Austria
Contact: yann alibert (alibert@space.unibe.ch)
Coordinating division: Division F Planetary Systems and Astrobiology
Other divisions:
Co-Chairs of SOC: Ravit Helled (University of Zurich)
Co-Chairs of LOC: ()



1- From disk composition to planet bulk composition and internal structure: disk physical and chemical properties, prediction of planet formation models
2- From bulk composition and internal structure to envelope composition: evolution of envelope's composition, atmosphere evaporation, secondary atmospheres
3- From envelope composition to atmospheric composition: interactions between deep interior and atmosphere, equilibrium versus non-equilibrium chemistry
4- Observations: from the ground and from space, future perspectives

