Letters of Intent received in 2017
LoI 2019-2007
Grand Challenges in Stellar Physics: Pulsating Stars in the Universe
14 January 2019 to 18 January 2019 |
Non-GA Symposium
Nice, France
Merieme CHADID (chadid@unice.fr) |
Coordinating division:
Division G Stars and Stellar Physics |
Other divisions:
Division G Stars and Stellar Physics
Co-Chairs of SOC:
Merieme CHADID (Observatoire Cote d'Azur) |
| Joyce GUZIK (Los Alamos Laboratory) |
Chair of LOC:
Merieme CHADID (Observatoire Cote d'Azur) |
The symposium lasts five days covering topics in nine major areas, Each topic will be introduced by invited review papers and chaired by pioneering experts briefed to address the functions outlined below, with unsolicited poster and oral contributions. The Opening Session of the Symposium features a historical review of Stellar Pulsation and Evolution by George Preston. Special evening events with general public will take place as well.
1- Observing from Earth: large-scale synoptic strategies
2- Space telescope missions: grand data challenges and beyond
3- From exoplanets to cosmology: pulsating stars as precision tools
4- Pulsation, dynamical atmospheres and dust formation connections
5- Multi-dimensional models: new solutions and confrontations
6- Asteroseismology using constraints from clusters
7- Neglected corners and obscure parts of the HR diagram
8- Big data: challenges and solutions for stellar physics
9-Detection of gravitational waves: implications for stellar physics
The IAU symposium "Grand Challenges in Stellar Physics: Pulsating Stars in the Universe" will be held in Nice, Côte d’Azur, France on January 14-18, 2019. It will be the 23rd in the sequence of Los
Alamos stellar pulsation conferences held biennially since 1971, and the first to be held in France.
This conference will demonstrate how challenges in stellar pulsation and evolution studies can be addressed by using synergies between new observation technologies, advances in theory, and multi-dimensional modelling. The symposium will be a timely opportunity to highlight recent advances, to allow astronomers to share current progress in the theory of stellar evolution and pulsation, and to discuss strategies to cope with overwhelming quantities of data being generated by current and new observing missions. We envisage a symposium where the leaders of ground and space based variability surveys and the experts in pulsation and evolution theory will be invited to highlight the impact of their work on the field of pulsating star research towards understanding our Universe.
The Symposium will be an opportunity for sharing the progress of astronomy with the general public, raising students' awareness of the wider impact of their research, and for celebrating the scientific opus of Annie Baglin, a world leader in stellar pulsation who spent part of her scientific career in Nice. A parallel public event entitled "Women of Variable stars" will be organized to highlight the massive contribution of women to our Science.