Division C WG Key Initiatives in Education, Outreach and Development — Functional
The new Division C WG IAU Key Initiatives in Education, Outreach and Development (KI) was proposed by the IAU Officers and the Division C OC, and has as a main goal encompassing a number of valuable, consolidated programmes promoted by the IAU in connection with Education, Outreach and Development. These successful initiatives, are spread over the world, have also a set of tools for evaluation and measurement of impact, and their actions are maintained and will continue for a long time, thanks to the support of different institutions, ambassadors and volunteers.
The proposal can be considered an IAU Legacy, will include very well-known initiatives such as UNAWE, GTTP and NASE and maintains the relationship between the IAU, the programs and different audiences assuring the global dissemination of the activities and the creation of new cooperation and development networks.
The WG can be understood as
- as an anchor to link the Programs with the IAU
- as a structure to involve the successful programs which were maintained for a long time, that have several successful stories, and which can serve as inspiration for the new proposals
Following this line of thought, the main Objectives are
- Assure continuity to link the programs with the IAU.
- Be a Forum to establish and discuss about key programs and to identify new ones
- Discuss about fundraising
- Propose tools for evaluation
- Coordinate and provide the the tools for exchange between the programs avoiding overlap
- Provide the resources for translation and adaptation of the programs to each community, taking into account different cultures and economical resources
- Advice about inclusion and equity.
In this sense, the IAU will continue to have successful global projects linked to it and for the programs the permanence into the Union will increase national/international visibility through the IAU Offices and networks, avoiding the overlap with other IAU-WGs, promoting new ideas.
Official structure
The work at the KI-WG will be organized by a OC, integrated by the he representatives for the programs in the working group; a chair and a co-chair will be elected between the OC members. The Directors of the IAU OAD, OAE, OAO and OYA Offices will act as advisors.
About the Programs, the OC can identify new potential key programs and/or the programs can apply to be included into the WG.
About the members, each Program will suggest/select their own members, and communicate the names to the KI-WG chair.
Final remark
This proposal can clearly show the benefits for the IAU and for the Programs, groups and members only with the time, but is part of the construction of a potential Education Alliance.
The invitation to be part of this idea, it is also to open the exchange and discussion.
Functional Working Groups are Working Groups whose scope and purpose are institutional and naturally extend beyond the IAU three-year cycle.
These should have a maximum automatic lifespan of 6 years. Their Functional status should be revisited at that 6-year mark by the EC and a decision should be taken on whether the Functional WG should be renewed or terminated. The Functional WG Chair would also follow the 6-year term and the renewal of the Chair would also be discussed at this time.
Division C Education, Outreach and Heritage
Pierre Auger Lab
National Technological University
Rodríguez 273
Mendoza 5500
Phone: +54 261 5070816
Personal website: http://sion2.frm.utn.edu.ar/labauger/
NCA adherence: Argentina
Last updated:
January 13, 2024
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Applied Mathematics IV
Jordi Girona, 1-3
Campus Nord Mod C3 UPC
08034 Barcelona
Phone: +34 93 413 4120
Fax: +34 93 413 7007
Organization website: http://www.upc.es/
NCA adherence: Spain
Last updated:
November 20, 2023
Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE)
Astrophysics Dept
Luis Enrique Erro 1
Sta. María Tonantzintla, Puebla 72840
Phone: +52 222 2663100
Personal website: http://www.itziararetxaga.net
Organization website: http://www.inaoep.mx
NCA adherence: Mexico
Last updated:
February 20, 2024
South African Astronomical Observatory
IAU Office of Astronomy for Development
7925 Cape Town
South Africa
Phone: +27 82 487 8466
Organization website: http://www.astro4dev.org
NCA adherence: South Africa
Last updated:
November 20, 2023
Organizing Committee