Sub-Group Name
Best practice on enforcement of standards
Coordinator: Dave Clements
Sub-Group Description
While we might expect that the astronomy community will be unified in its attitudes towards diversity and inclusion of all kinds, it is a sad fact that there will be some individuals and potentially institutions that do not adhere to the standards adopted by the IAU. When such cases are identified they will need to be investigated and the agreed standards of the IAU will have to be enforced. Determining the best and appropriate methods for that enforcement is the aim of this group.
Sub-Group Goals
To establish best practice for the investigation and enforcement of agreed standards for inclusion, equity and diversity. To achieve this we will:
- Examine standard enforcement practices currently used by national and international astronomy organisations;
- Examine standard enforcement practices currently used by research and other relevant organisations outside astronomy;
- To seek advice from organisations that work to establish best practice in the fields of diversity, equity and inclusion;
- To establish in conjunction with other relevant IAU groups (eg. The Women in Astronomy WG) how to recommend best practice approaches within the IAU structure;
- To monitor continuing developments in standard enforcement by the above parties and to update recommended IAU practice as appropriate.