Sub-Group Name
Inclusive Outreach
Coordinator: Cesare Pagano
Science is a key part of human being culture, a key ingredient for informed citizenship, and the basis for societal progress and a healthy democracy. Astronomy is probably the most fascinating science for the general public, and therefore the main topic to attract the general public and get people closer to science. People with disability should not be given lessen chances than others to access scientific culture. The overall goal of the “IAU Inclusive Outreach Sub-Workgroup (inspiring Stars)” – or “IO-SWG” in short – is to foster and facilitate the development of inclusion practices in the astronomy outreach activities around the world, so that also people with disabilities can benefit from the outreach efforts and values.
- Gather a community of amateur and professional astronomers who have experience with inclusive outreach, or those who are interested to start, professional educators for people with disability, institutions that represent and support people with disability, toolmakers, and all those with an active role in the Inclusive Outreach.
- Gather and share good practices from around the world for both the outreach methodologies and supporting tools, consolidating in a set of recommended practices to be used as a reference and accelerator for those willing to act.
- On the basis of existing practices, pursue the development of new methodologies and tools to further advance this area.
- Make all the knowledge gathered or produced by the group freely and publicly available.
- Become a well-known worldwide resource for the providers of the outreach activities (e.g.: amateur astronomers associations, professional astronomers engaged in outreach) as well as the users (e.g.: the general public, people with disability).
- Establish a solid relationship and practical cooperation with major national and international associations of people with disability (e.g. European Blind Union).