IAU Division D (High energy phenomena and fundamental physics) Newsletter - August 2022

  • Date sent: 4 August 2022, 10:05
  • From: Nanda Rea <no-reply@iau.org>
  • To: Division D High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics (2648 recipients)
  • Reply-To: rea@ice.csic.es
  • Subject: IAU Division D (High energy phenomena and fundamental physics) Newsletter - August 2022

***IAU Division D Newsletter, August  2022***




* IAU 2024 Letters of Intent  

* EAS 2023 Call for Sessions

* Meet the IAU Astronomers! Programme Relaunched

* AHEAD2020 Announcement of Opportunity Cycle 4

* Upcoming Conferences, Meetings, Workshops
* In memoriam




Dear colleagues,


As we look forward to the IAU General Assembly (GA) in Busan next month, and while many of us are taking opportunities for enhanced interactions with our international colleagues, I write to draw your attention to the September 15th deadline for Letters of Intent (LoI) for scientific meetings to be held during the next IAU GA year, 2024.  These meetings will comprise 6 GA Symposia, 12 GA Focus Meetings, and 3 non-GA Symposia.


You are encouraged to formulate ideas with your colleagues, and to establish early communication with the Steering Committee of your proposed Coordinating Division to take advantage of early constructive feedback.  Please read carefully the Rules & Guidelines for IAU Scientific Meetings before preparing the LoI (https://www.iau.org/science/meetings/rules/).


In 2024 we anticipate that one of the non-GA Symposia will be accepted as a Kavli-IAU Symposium on Interdisciplinary Science. A Kavli-IAU Symposium will bring together scientists from different disciplines to enable cross-collaboration and communication.  Besides the usual support in travel grants (up to 20 k euros), additional financial support (up to 15 k euros) iis offered to enrich a Kavli-IAU Symposium by funding scientists from such disciplines as would not normally participate in an IAU Symposium.  In particular, the extra funds can be used for invited speakers -- something not normally allowed under IAU rules for use of the financial support for a regular IAU symposium.


The IAU looks forward to receiving your LoI.


Best regards,




Professor Diana Worrall

IAU Assistant General Secretary


* EAS 2023 Call for Session


The European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 2023 will take place in Krakow, Poland, from 10 to 14 July 2023.

The meeting is organized by the European Astronomical Society (EAS), in collaboration with the Polish Astronomical Society (PTA). The venue is the ICE Kraków.


The call for sessions is now out. Please find all the relevant information at: https://eas.unige.ch/EAS2023/call.jsp

The deadline is set on Friday, 30 September 2022.  Proposals should be submitted via an online form


Feel free to forward this e-mail to your colleagues who are interested in organising a Symposium, a Special Session, or a Lunch Session.

Looking forward to receiving your proposal(s).


With best regards,

The Organising Committee of the European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 2023


* AHEAD2020 Announcement of Opportunity Cycle 4


The AHEAD2020 (Integrated Activities for High Energy Astrophysics*) calls for a program of transnational visits and remote access activities to be performed starting ~mid October 2022. The main objectives are:

1) fostering new or strengthening existing collaborations on science and technology topics  in high energy astrophysics (visitor program);

2) provide access free of cost to selected European astronomical institutes and data centres for support in high energy and multimessenger data analysis, as long as computational astrophysics.

3) providing access free of cost to some of the best European ground test and calibration facilities relevant for high-energy astrophysics.


Visitor grants include full reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses. To face possible restrictions to travel as effect of the pandemic, the possibility of remote access for a number of services in the area of data analysis, tools and computational astrophysics will be provided.  


AO-4 Calls Opening:         11 July 2022

Submission Deadline:        31 August 2022(**)


For further information and links to the AO-4 calls:



* AHEAD2020 is a Research Infrastructure program funded by EU Horizon 2020. Its main goal is to integrate and open research infrastructures for high energy Astrophysics.

For general information on AHEAD2020: 



** For activities concerning access to experimental facilities, submission will remain always open and proposals can be submitted anytime until 28 June 2024; they will be evaluated typically within one month from delivery.



* Meet the IAU Astronomers! Programme Relaunched


The Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO) invites IAU member astronomers to join the Meet the IAU Astronomers!, a programme designed to connect IAU-member astronomers interested in outreach with members of the public. 


Through the Meet the IAU Astronomers! programme, amateur astronomers, practitioners,  informal educators, and teachers can request virtual or in-person events in which IAU members can speak with children, adults and other members of the public about their astronomical research, the importance of astronomy for society, and choosing astronomy as a career. The programme aims to encourage communication of science and critical thinking through IAU member public engagement and PRO-AM collaborations while fostering the perception that astronomers can positively impact underserved communities and contribute to making our planet more peaceful, sustainable, and fair. 


How to join the Meet the IAU Astronomers! Programme

If you are interested in participating in the Meet the IAU Astronomers! programme, please fill out this form. In it, you will be asked to respond to a few questions that will allow us to best match you with the public’s requests. Once you complete this form, you will receive more information on the programme and we will proceed in matching you with a perfect organiser. As not to overburden you, we will match you with no more than four events every year. Throughout the process, the OAO will support you and provide tools to help you better engage with the public. 


If you have any issues accessing the form or prefer an alternative way of submitting your information to us, please get in touch with us at meet.astronomers@oao.iau.org

Contact us:

Suzana Filipecki Martins
International Outreach Officer
IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO)



* Upcoming Conferences, Meetings, Workshops


XXXI IAU General Assembly
August 2-11, 2022
Busan, Korea


TeVPA 2022

August 8-12, 2022

Kingston, Ontario, USA



EUROWD22: 22nd European Workshop on White Dwarfs

August 15-19, 2022

Tübingen, Germany



Supernova Remnants and Their Progenitors

August 16-18, 2022

Cambridge, MA, USA



Cosmic Dust

August 22-26, 2022

Kitakyushu, Japan



Mapping the invisible Universe: Galaxy evolution and cosmology in next-generation sub-mm surveys

August 29 - September 2, 2022

Leiden, The Netherlands



Astrophysical Polarimetry in the Time-Domain era

August 29 - September 1, 2022

Lecco, Italy



Giant Magellan Telescope Community Science Meeting: Black Holes at All Scales

August 31 - September 2, 2022

Arizona, USA



Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach

September 3-10, 2022

Belgrade, Serbia



IWARA - International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysics

September 5-9, 2022

Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala



PASTO - Particle Acceleration in Astrophysical Objects 

5 - 7 Sep 2022 

Monte Porzio Catone (Rome), Italy


Roma International Conference on Astroparticle Physics

September 6-9, 2022

Rome, Italy



The VLA Sky Survey in the Multiwavelength Spotlight

September 7-9, 2022

Socorro, USA (Hybrid)



The 12th Cosmic Ray International Seminar (CRIS2022)

September 12-16, 2022

Naples, Italy



TEXAS Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics

September 12-16, 2022

Prague, Czech Republic



Origin, growth and feedback of black holes in dwarf galaxies

September 12-16, 2022

San Sebastian, Spain



Panchromatic view of the life-cycle of AGN

September 14-16, 2022

ESAC, Madrid, Spain



First Astro-COLIBRI multi-messenger workshop

September 26-30, 2022

Bochum, Germany



What Drives the Growth of Black Holes? A Decade of Reflection

September 26-30, 2022

Reykjavík, Iceland


13th Gaia Science Alerts and ORT Time-Domain Workshop 

October 4-7, 2022

Pula, Sardinia, Italy



The Third Gravi-Gamma Workshop

October 5-7, 2022

Volterra, Italy



Tenth International Fermi Symposium

October 9-15, 2022

Johannesburg, South Africa



Two Decades of High-Energy Astronomy with INTEGRAL

October 17-21, 2022

ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany



YAGN22 - Young Astronomers on Galactic Nuclei

October 17-19, 2022

San Sebastian, Spain



Exploring the Hot and Energetic Universe: the third scientific conference dedicated to the Athena X-ray Observatory

November 7-10, 2022

Barcelona, Spain



Cosmic Rays 2 - the salt of the star formation recipe

November 8-10, 2022

Florence, Italy



Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop (GWPAW)

December 5-9, 2022

Melbourne, Australia (Hybrid)



IAU Symposia: The multi-messenger chakra of blazar jets

December 5-9, 2022

Kathmandu, Nepal



X-ray Vision of the Energetic Universe (X-VISION 2023), a joint IAU I-HOW and COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop

February 6-17, 2023

Potchefstroom, South Africa





*In memoriam


We are sorry to learn of the passing of:


Dr. Yves de Rop from the University of Liege



Dr. Magnus Axelsson from Stockholm University




If you wish to share with IAU Division D any information about matters that may be relevant to the activities of Div D Members, please send an e-mail to rea@ice.csic.es . This will appear in the next Newsletter, which will be sent out around September 1, 2022. Thank you in advance for your inputs, and best regards.


Dr. Nanda Rea, acting Scientific Secretary of IAU Division D Steering Committee

Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC, IEEC; Barcelona, Spain)

