IAU Division D (High energy phenomena and fundamental physics) Newsletter - December 2022

  • Date sent: 2 December 2022, 11:31
  • From: Nanda Rea <no-reply@iau.org>
  • To: Division D High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics (2756 recipients)
  • Reply-To: rea@ice.csic.es
  • Subject: IAU Division D (High energy phenomena and fundamental physics) Newsletter - December 2022

***IAU Division D Newsletter, December  2022***




* Reminder: IAU Membership Application (deadline: December 15, 2022)

* IAU PhD Prizes (deadline: December 15, 2022)

* IAU Releases AstroVoices Videos Celebrating Female Astronomers

* Upcoming Conferences, Meetings, Workshops

* In memoriam



* IAU Membership Application


Applications are now being accepted for IAU membership until December 15, 2022.



Please encourage colleagues to apply for Individual or Junior Membership, as appropriate, and remind them that membership is free (dues are paid by the national adhering organizations). If people ask why they should join, tell them about our activities and remind them that the IAU’s mission is to promote and safeguard astronomy in all its aspects, including research, communication, education, and development, through international cooperation. Remember that besides our 9 Divisions, we have 38 Commissions and 46 Working Groups, including one on Equity and Inclusion, another on Women in Astronomy, and a new Pro-Am group. We also have Offices for Development, Outreach, Education, and Young Astronomers. Links for these and for our Code of Conduct and Strategic Plan are on the IAU homepage (https://www.iau.org/). We strive for a diverse and inclusive community.



* IAU PhD Prizes


Applications are open until December 15, 2022.



The IAU is inviting applications for its 2022 PhD prize, an award which celebrates the outstanding accomplishments made globally by PhD researchers in astrophysics. First introduced in 2016, the prize is awarded annually in each of the nine IAU Divisions in recognition of the most remarkable thesis work done in the previous year. Eligible PhD theses for the 2022 Prize are those which have been defended between 16 December 2021 and 15 December 2022. Theses which are in preparation or submitted but not yet defended by 15 December 2022 are not eligible for the 2022 Prize. Each recipient will receive a range of prizes, tailored at the discretion of the awarding Division. A standard prize includes airfare and accommodation to attend the next IAU General Assembly where certificates will be presented. Other prizes might include the opportunity to present their thesis work at the Division Days meetings, an invitation to attend presentations at the IAU Executive Committee meeting, dinner at the General Assembly and the possibility of presenting a talk at either a plenary or special session.

Candidates are required to submit: an abstract of their thesis that is pitched at a level suitable for the public; a 1500-word thesis summary; three letters of recommendation (including one from the PhD advisor); and a CV. The winner from each Division will be decided according to the Division’s own standards and methods — guided by the Division Steering Committee — and possibly with corroborating external consultation or additional letters of recommendation. The IAU PhD Prize is open to candidates from any country, regardless of whether the country is an IAU National Member. In addition, a separate prize is available to be awarded to applicants from developing countries (defined as those not in the OECD).



* IAU Releases AstroVoices Videos Celebrating Female Astronomers


In celebration of UNESCO World Science Day for Peace and Development, the IAU has released videos from its AstroVoices project, highlighting the diversity of female astronomers around the world.


The UNESCO World Science Day for Peace and Development is held annually on 10 November to celebrate science as a powerful means to attain peace and to benefit society. The day aims to strengthen public awareness, promote scientific cooperation, and highlight challenges faced by science. One such challenge is gender imbalance in academia, which remains a problem in many STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) fields, despite years of dedicated efforts to tackle it. Although astronomy has attracted significant numbers of girls and women in recent years, at least in some countries, it has not yet achieved gender equality.

AstroVoices, led by Former Chair of IAU Working Group of Women in Astronomy Francesca Primas, gives female astronomers and students a voice to share their passion for astronomy, in the hope of sparking an interest in the subject in young girls, who could become the scientists of the future.



* Upcoming Conferences, Meetings, Workshops


Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop (GWPAW)

December 5-9, 2022

Melbourne, Australia (Hybrid)



IAU Symposia: The multi-messenger chakra of blazar jets

December 5-9, 2022

Kathmandu, Nepal



JWST Cycle 2 proposal planning workshop

January 6-5, 2023
University of Hertfordshire, UK



Magnetism and Accretion

January 16-19, 2023

Cape town, South Africa



Timescales in Astrophysics Conference

January 16-10, 2023

Abu Dhabi, UAE



Testing Gravity 2023

January 18-21, 2023

Vancouver, Canada



SNEX: Supernovae Explosions - theory and observations
January 31 - February 4, 2023
Technion Institute, Israel


X-ray Vision of the Energetic Universe (X-VISION 2023), a joint IAU I-HOW and COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop

February 6-17, 2023

Potchefstroom, South Africa



Variable Galactic Gamma-Ray Sources (VI)
April 12-14, 2023
Innsbruck, Austria


Galactic Center Workshop 2023

April 24-28, 2023

Granada, Spain



Black hole winds at all scales

May 12-16,  2023

Haifa, Israel



10th Micro-quasar Workshop

May 22-26,  2023

Crete, Greece



Bologna-VLBI: Life begins at 40!

May 22-26,  2023

Bologna, Italy



X-ray Universe 2023

June 12-16, 2023

Athens, Greece



The first Vasto accretion meeting

June 19-23, 2023

Vasto, Italy



The restless nature of AGN: 10 years later

June 26-30, 2023

Naples, Italy




*In memoriam


We are sorry to learn of the passing of:


- Prof. Stavros Katsanevas from the European Gravitational Observatory and Université Paris Cité






If you wish to share with IAU Division D any information about matters that may be relevant to the activities of Div D Members, please send an e-mail to rea@ice.csic.es . This will appear in the next Newsletter, which will be sent out around January 1, 2023. Thank you in advance for your inputs, and best regards.


Dr. Nanda Rea, acting Scientific Secretary of IAU Division D Steering Committee

Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC, IEEC; Barcelona, Spain)

