Past Division A Fundamental Astronomy for 2021-2024

Division A is responsible for monitoring the scientific and organizational development of fundamental astronomy and for ensuring that the most significant issues in the field are addressed with foresight, enterprising spirit, and scientific judgment. The Division fosters new initiatives and international cooperation in fundamental astronomy, standardization of scientific results, and promotes investigations and discussions relating to the relevant topics and projects. The scientific community of Division A:

  • provides definitions and models that describe reference systems and frames used in astronomy to determine positions and motions of celestial objects in space and time;
  • investigates dynamical behavior of celestial bodies including both high-accuracy descriptions for shorter periods of time and evolution over extended periods of time;
  • obtains physical information on celestial objects and investigates physical laws using the methods of astrometry and celestial mechanics;
  • offers services that provide data and ephemerides of solar system bodies, Earth orientation data, time scales, astronomical constants, models including relevant software procedures, etc. for users within the astronomical community as well as within society.


Daniel Hestroffer


Bonnie Alice Steves

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