Date sent: 5 April 2018, 14:04

From: Anna Watts (

Subject: Addendum to IAU Div D (High energy phenomena and fundamental physics) Bulletin No. 22

***Addendum to IAU Division D Bulletin N. 22: April 1, 2018***


A few additional items with deadlines before the next mailing

  • LISA Consortium membership
  • Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops and schools (new announcements)

*LISA Consortium membership

The LISA mission is getting ready for the start of two parallel industrial Phase A studies this spring and our collaboration will now have to morph into a real project. The LISA Consortium used to be a rather informal gathering of interested scientists, and joining the Consortium proceeded by self-appointment. Since in the future phases of the mission the LISA Consortium will be the body that delivers something to the project, we will have to change our procedures and become a bit more formal.

Membership in the Consortium will in the future come in two flavors. Core members enter into a commitment to deliver something to the mission. They will be the ones who shape the mission and are involved in all decisions that the Consortium is allowed to take. Associate members will be doing science related to LISA and will be working in the science working groups, but they will not have to commit to deliverables and will have limited access to information. Membership will be reviewed at the beginning and in yearly intervals. We are now ready to reboot the Consortium and ask you to apply. You will find all necessary information on the Application Portal here:

Note: it is expected that most applications will be in the form of a group application, with a group lead, but individual (groups of size 1) applications are also accepted. A group application can contain a mix of Core and Associate members.

At the application portal you will find the Consortium Management Plan, an Application Description Document, an Application Template, and Example Draft Applications. You will see that the process is fairly light, and I would be grateful if all people interested in being a LISA Consortium Member during the upcoming Phase A could submit their applications before the next LISA Consortium Meeting on April 9-11 in Hannover. The applications will then be reviewed and our intention is to have the whole reboot process complete by May, so we can switch to the new mailing lists for Core Members and Associate Members. It is expected that the procedures will be reviewed and adapted to our needs in future project phases B, C, D, and E. This is an exciting time. It is now 25 years after we submitted the first LISA proposal, and finally we are getting serious. LISA will fly and there is no time to lose!

*Upcoming Conferences, Meetings, Workshops and Schools

NIC2018 - Satellite school on experimental and theoretical methods in nuclear astrophysics with applications
Caserta, Italy
June 18-22, 2018

The 3rd PANDA Symposium on Time Domain Astronomy and HXMT first results
Chengdu, China,
June 18-22, 2018

If you wish to share with IAU Div D any information about matters that may be relevant to the activities of Div D Members, please send an e-mail to . This will appear in the next Bulletin, which will be sent out on May 1, 2018. Thank you in advance for your inputs, and best regards.

Dr Anna Watts, Secretary of IAU Div D Steering Committee
Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam


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