Letters of Intent received in 2016

LoI 2018-1916
GA Symposium: Linking the fundamental scales of Star Formation

Date: 20 August 2018 to 24 August 2018
Category: Non-GA Symposium
Location: Vienna, Austria
Contact: Dimitrios Gouliermis (dgoulier@mpia.de)
Coordinating division: Division H Interstellar Matter and Local Universe
Other divisions:
Co-Chairs of SOC: Dimitrios Gouliermis (University of Heidelberg)
Sacha Hony (University of Heidelberg)
Chair of LOC: ()



Star formation across galactic scales

Star formation within giant molecular clouds

Clustered star formation and the origin of substructure in galaxies

The role of galactic dynamics and shear on galaxy-wide star formation

Hierarchical young stellar structures and their survival

The formation of structure in the interstellar medium

Formation and survival of giant molecular clouds

Fundamental star formation parameters and their variations in galaxies

The interplay of turbulence and self-gravity at various scales

Physics and chemistry of the interstellar matter



The formation of stars is one of the most important processes in the universe, determining the fate of the normal matter in the cosmos. Star formation studies provide a unique insight into the physical processes that govern the transformation of gas to individual stars, as well as the formation of systems of stars across a wide range of scales, from compact star clusters to galactic spiral arms. Advancements in both the computational and observational study of star formation at various scales make the understanding of how these scales connect to each other a timely and important topic. We propose an IAU Symposium that will bring together experts on various fields, from both theory and observations, in order to achieve a consensual picture of star formation in the Local Universe. Special care will be taken to promote diversity among the participants in scientific interests, gender, ethnicity and age, in order to accomplish a symposium which hopefully will be regarded as a milestone in star formation research.

Please note that the dates and venue of the Symposium are tentative and it can be easily scheduled to take place outside the GA in a venue different than Vienna.