Letters of Intent received in 2016

LoI 2018-1961
The alpha Centauri system as a benchmark for stellar and planetary systems

Date: 20 August 2018 to 31 August 2018
Category: GA Focus meeting
Location: Vienna, Austria
Contact: Pedro J. Amado (pja@iaa.csic.es)
Coordinating division: Division G Stars and Stellar Physics
Other divisions: Division F Planetary Systems and Astrobiology
Co-Chairs of SOC: Pedro J. Amado (IAA-CSIC)
Guillem Anglada-Escude (QMUL)
Ansgar Reiners (IAG)
Co-Chairs of LOC: ()



* Binary and Multiple Star Systems and fundamental parameters
* Magnetic activity and pulsations
* Stellar Evolution
* Stellar and Planetary Atmospheres
* Exoplanets, Proxima b
* Astrobiology
* Instrument and missions fully dedicated to Proxima b: Starshot, Mission Centaur, other.
* Missions into interstellar space and other advance concepts

